Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lion's Choice - BIG thumbs down

I will copy/paste my email from/to Lion's Choice.

BIG thumbs down & altho it's a favorite of Jeff's, we haven't been back since seeing their lack of care. Basically, they don't give a rip whether or not we return.

Mr. Tobias - NO, that doesn't help. Not at all. Thanks for nothing.

Dear Ms. allergy mom,

We do not publish our ingredients for a few reasons, but I can tell you that our roast beef sandwich and fries do not have milk as an ingredient. But I can't tell you that trace amounts of a specific protein are not present. The reason we don't publish our ingredients is because although we have very strict specifications for the foods we sell, sometimes the food distributor substitutes items without our knowledge, and because some of our products are prepared in facilities that may prepare other products, and some cross-inclusion could occur. If someone has a mild allergy, I have no problem indicating which products are safe and which ones to avoid. But in the case of a sever allergy, I can't guarantee that trace amounts of allergens are not present.

I hope this is of some help.

Jim Tobias

PresidentLion's Choice Restaurant Corp.
12015 Manchester Road, Suite 118
St. Louis, Missouri 63131
314.822.7144 FAX

-----Original Message-----
From: the allergy parents
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 4:13 PM

My daughter has a severe allergy to the protein found in milk-based ingredients...there are approx 50 of them, none of which we expect anyone else to know.
Before we visit a restaurant, we normally check the ingredients online to see what she can have; however, your website does not list the ingredients, only the nutritional facts.

We have visited twice in the last month, each time requesting ingredient info from the management, but no one could give that to us.

Is that something that could be mailed to us?:

AMY ****

**** MO 63****

Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems that he told you all he could. I myself am looking for nutritional information at LC's because I have a peanut allergy, but completely understand that manufacturers may be afraid to commit to allergen information - if they're wrong on something they don't know from the factory, they'll be responsible.

Looks like no Lion's Choice for us anymore. Same with Applebees, here!