I've been visiting a message board over at STLmoms blog.
I got drawn in & replied to a very ignorant post about peanut allergies.
A mom was "venting" because she "couldn't bring a peanut butter sandwich for my picky eater". She didn't understand why several hundred kids couldn't bring peanut butter just because of a few allergy kids. Besides she said, what would it hurt?
Of course this infuriated me. I thought, how selfish could she be? And mostly, how ignorant?!
It took me back to the days at our old church, where the Children's Director didn't want to ban milk in Flynn's class. She plainly told me, "I just can't ask that of the volunteers" when I asked her to pass a rule that the parents not bring milk into the room. I ended up volunteering on one Sunday, Jeff on another, and the on the other 2 Sundays, we had to keep her with us... bored & loud in church.
I reached the point that I couldn't understand how a church preaching about God's love was failing to show it in a very simple way. In their 2 year old class.
So we decided to look into other options....that's where we found our new church. They extended so much love to Flynn, they changed rules, passed a no-milk rule, began buying only safe snacks for her, and changed everything they could to make it safe for little Flynn to belong.
That my friends, is more like it. God's love. Jesus wasn't afraid to offend the majority, for one. Let me point out how he felt about the religious leaders...and how he overlooked their disapproval in order to heal the sick & love the rejected.
Okay, enough preaching. Back to the stlmoms board.
After the dumb mom posted her reactions & how she couldn't dream of not sending a peanut butter sandwich, a few posts followed which gently pointed out the selfishness.
Here is one. I think it is excellent:
In Nov. 2005, a mom named Lisa Turner, whose children do not have food allergies, posted the letter below on the Kids with Food Allergies (KWFA) forum. She gave permission for anyone to use it should they need it. I think it's powerful because it's written by a parent who initially was very upset that her family would have to change its life a bit to accommodate others, and then -- because she educated herself -- came around to see why it was necessary.
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am writing this letter to you because your school has decided to implement a ban on peanuts, tree nuts, and/or other foods that have been associated with life-threatening allergies, and I know the initial reaction you may have regarding such a ban. I am the mother of a little girl who started school this year. About two weeks before school started I read in a local newspaper that the school she will be attending has decided to put such a ban into effect.
My first reaction was one of shock, but it quickly turned into complete ANGER! I couldn’t believe that the school would actually do something that drastic because ONE child had an allergy. Since when did the misfortunes of one dictate the rule for the majority?
I rallied support together, I wrote to the newspapers, I called television stations, and I put up posters expressing my outrage and encouraging parents who felt the same way to attend the next school board meeting and “let our voices be heard”. I even drafted up petitions to have the members of the school board removed so that a new school board could be elected, one that looked out for the needs of every child instead of just one. After all, nobody was going to tell me that I couldn’t send my picky eater to school with a peanut butter sandwich!
Then I went online to get some ammunition. What I got however, was something completely different. I got an education. I stumbled across a site for people with life-threatening allergies and the parents of children with life-threatening allergies. The first thing I found out was that, although rare, it is a lot more common than I had realized, but being angry I posted my question, "Do you really think that a ban is necessary?"
I used all my arguments. If a child is allergic to bees, do you keep all the kids in at recess? If a child is in a wheel chair, do you build a ramp or tear out the stairs? I mean after all, there are other allergies out there, and there is no way to guarantee that the school will be completely free from these foods, so where do you draw the line?
At first I wasn’t open at all to hear their reply, I was just venting, but then I really started reading what they had to say, and it was then that I started learning. You see… I put my daughter on the bus for the first time in her life. I was afraid she wouldn’t find her classroom. I was afraid she would forget to raise her hand before she spoke. I was afraid she would get on the wrong bus coming home, but what I wasn’t afraid of was that I would get a call from the school saying that my daughter wouldn’t be coming home; she is being rushed to the hospital by ambulance because of a common, everyday peanut butter sandwich.
It was then that I realized what these parents are going though. Some don’t have the luxury of worrying about little things. These parents aren’t trying to take anything away from our kids; they are trying to keep their kids safe. I looked back at my initial reaction so I could figure out what had made me so mad, and when I was completely honest with myself, I found the answer. I was mad because I was going to be inconvenienced. I was willing to put a child’s life in danger so my daughter could eat a sandwich, and what did that say about me? I mean, if I saw a dog attacking any child wouldn’t I do whatever I could to protect that child? And if that is the case, why am I so opposed to eliminating peanut butter from 5 meals out of the 21 she will have in the course of a week?
The fact of the matter is you don’t keep all the kids in at recess, but you don’t put a child with a bee sting allergy in a lunchroom full of bees either.
The fact is EVERY child is entitled to a “free and appropriate public education in a least restrictive environment”, translated that means the school has a legal responsibility to provide a safe learning environment for ALL children, and where do you draw the line? You draw the line when the unique needs of the community served by the school have been met.
It’s not easy to put your child in the hands of strangers when you know that many of them may have just eaten, or are bringing to lunch, the same thing that is poison to your child, and many of these parents would home school if they could, but just like you and I, sometimes that is not an option. The parents of children with life-threatening allergies don’t expect us all to learn this overnight, and they don’t expect us to shop for our children as if they had this allergy, and while they know that the school will never be completely free from these foods, one less sandwich, or one less snack containing these foods being brought into the schools, will be one less risk to their child’s life.
I am not saying that it hasn’t been a struggle at times, but you have to ask yourselves… Is convenience really more important than life?
In my book, that answer is no, so any small inconvenience I have is worth it.
Sincerely, Lisa Turner
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