Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Check Labels on Medicines & Lip Care

A month or so ago, after a 10-day stint with diarrhea, I called my daughter's pediatrician. The phone nurse recommended culturell. So, as an obedient parent, I go right then to Walgreens & get the culturell.

I get home, open the capsul & sprinkle the powder onto a banana. I start to feed it to my girl (who had started to take a bite) when it dawned on me to double-check the label. I made my girl stop & my eyes went right to whey.

I did a major finger sweep. And my husband & I proceeded to squirt water in her mouth while she spit it out into the toilet.


Then, after a week of laryngitis & unexplainable bumps around her mouth, I finally thought to look at the chapstick that my daughter had been sparingly smearing on her mouth for that time period. About 1/2 way down on the list of ingredients is HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN. So I have basically been smearing milk on my girl -- who is EXTREMELY allergic to milk. Great. Thanks Avon. Wonder if they would reimburse my co-pay to the pediatrician Monday... because I was so concerned about her lack of voice.


Sue said...

Oh geez. I'm glad at least Avon lists it. I got a few of their items recently and checked and called. Nothing was listed and she's been ok - of course the stuff was for me not her. :)

I'm glad you caught the Culturell. I have seen that one has dairy. We give our girls Pro Bio Gold from Kirkman Labs and it is free of the Top 8. They get it daily now.

Karen said...

I was surprised by milk sometimes being in inhalers.

ATLAS said...

you say the truth. i love that.